The remainding time was spent in the competant hands of Paul, our mentor and all round great chap. His 27 years of orchard management experience flowed like the juice of a million apples and we we say he gave a good show on pruning apples and other techniques.
We were free most evenings to sample the vast range of Belgium beers on offer and for two weeks nothing less passed my lips...cider had to take a back seat for a while, the Belgians appeared to be non-plussed when it came to good ol' scrumpy, it seems to be the great unmentionable in that neck of the world!
In return for days of pruning, apple collecting, photgraphy and cooking we return the honour by volunteering for a couple of days in an orchard related theme. Also, a written report on the holiday will be submitted.
This experience has been great and like the time I spent in Germany has strongly fixed my conservation sights on great ideas. A few of which are taking shape and are beginning to....fruit, I suppose!