Exmoor red deer
The Giant Chestnut
Bring on the tears
The cooking apple crop from the fallen tree also gave up a bumper crop...pies, pies and more pies!
Harvest Time
Like Mums apple pie it was ready to eat, well...fill with water
After a few days of rain the pond began to fill nicely (June 2007)
I'll add some more pics shortly with the pond in full sucessional flow.
Stop growing you lot!
1 month later....veg! Mostly potatoes and a couple of very late pumpkins
The first round of veg
Well, actually it's an insect hide - primarily for bees, but other squatters are welcome too.
Apparantly seeds and fruits are appearing about 4 weeks earlier than usual, which isnt surprising since the early spring bud burst. These cherries are taking on a lovely orange-red hue and if the birds don't get 'em, I'll be sure too.
work, rain, work, rain, work, rain.
National Bat Monitoring Programme 2007
Germany calling
The pond is almost finished, just need to remove some of the sharper stones in the base, cover with a layer of sand and some old carpets, chuck the liner in and fill 'er up!
Then I'll not introduce anything just to see what will naturally colonise the area. It'll be good to establish a pond in the area as a network of pond is required for many amphibians (such as newts and frogs) to migrate to and from to breed and forage.
Ponds were once comon in the landscape and one could be found every 1 and a half miles or so, unfortunatly many were filled in at the turn of the last century to increase arable and livestock grazing areas.
The two veg plots are dug, one is covered to keep out the weeds for now, whilst the other is being reguarly turned untill July to then accept a large lad of seed spuds for a later autumn/winter crop....funny though, don't like spuds that much!
The bat box was taken over by blue tits earlier in the spring, but they built their nest and then buggered off. I shall leave it a while as I want the bats to come in, but am a bit concerned that there may be an unpleasant present left inside for me.
Bumper sun, bumper rain...bumper crop of gooseberries...they're growing well, and have never yielded fruit before due to be completely crowded out by brambles, which have now been dealt with.
Finally, the fallen apple tre was done for we thought, but it surprised us by budding, then flowering and now the fruit is growing well...strangely though only in an area of about two metres from the floor and not on the (now) top. New shoots are coming from the trunk, so it seems there's still a good fight left in the tree.
Skools out - time to tend again
Spot the pond.
Study tour 2007