Back in June 2007 a small group of us visited Dinton park near Salisbury, Wiltshire. The grounds were owned by National Trust and we were kindly shown around by the warden.
One of the highlights was this fantastic Sweet Chestnut tree in the grounds of a private dwelling on the site. The girth of the monster was a massive 9.70 metres and as you can see from the photos all of us stood next to it look dwarfed! The tree is in healthy condition and new growth can be seen reaching for the sky on the upper limbs. It is interesting that the tree does so well as just out of shot is another equally impressive beech tree which does not seem to pose a threat to the chesnut at all....remarkable. I entered this baby on the Woodland Trust's Ancient Tree Hunt website.
Check it out http://www.ancient-tree-hunt.org.uk/

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