Monday, 12 March 2007

GHB project done and dusted

It's done! Latest assignment of Greater Horseshoe Bat....this was a big one...REAL BIG...went overboard.

NOw thats the little critter taken care off, it's time for the 4 other assignments left to do...cheers college, you sure know how to eat into my Easter holidays!

Next weekend is the lambing event at college....

(this may be a Lesser horseshoe in the picture - oops!)

1 comment:

K0LIN said...

wow bats, just like working down the mine huh?

and i expect you can smell bullshit there too.

we have some nice wildlife here too wayne with deer everywhere and we have the usual blue and coal tits on our bird feeder, also we have "cardinals" which are beautyful, i haven't ever seen those before, they are the most beautyful red you ever did see. looks like your having fun, keep posting. regards colin.